Used the Cinematic app in iPhone. Used to use it with my iPod Touch. I loved that thing. I was really sad when they discontinued it.

Got out for a walk right after I fed the cats. No procrastination.

After killing two pitcher plants, we are thrilled to have kept this one alive long enough to see new pitchers appear!

Daughter, grand-dog, and I went for a walk this afternoon. It was so lovely.

Hasn’t rained once today.

New bullet journal. Thought I might regret ordering a bright new colour (Rising Sun) but I don’t. Feels just right.

Found chocolate hedgehogs we’d bought for Christmas. 😋 Also, look at that! Sunshine!

Listening to Another Girl by Peter Grainger. 📚

Discovered that stripping the bed as soon as I get up, going down to feed the cats, then hurrying back up to put the fresh sheets on, is the only way to get that chore done without the cats trying to “help”.

The hippeastrum I had kept alive and reproducing for over 30 years got “red blotch”. I dug out the healthiest looking bulbs, put them in a cardboard box, coated them liberally with cinnamon and ignored them for a few weeks. I repotted the two bulbs that started to grow. So far, so good! 🤞🏽🪴

The snow was pretty for a day.

Trying to set up my minimalist weekly spread in my journal. Someone had other ideas.