
Follow @bethany on Micro.blog.

: Cat is a little jealous of the attention I’m giving to this attempt at counted cross stitch on 32 …

: Trail snack.

: My husband brought home some fresh oysters yesterday, given to him by a guy with an oyster lease. I …

: One of the turkey vultures riding the wind above the house.

: Forgot that I took this on a walk the other day.

: Evening clouds.

: Felt like the ocean was saying, “Hello! So nice to see you today!”

: I didn’t really know much about Eva Hesse. So glad I finally watched this film. I’ve had it in my …

: The Allusionist: Craters “When PhD student Annie Lennox discovered a crater on Mercury, she got the …

: How to Be Old? by Lyn Slater 📚

: Really enjoyed this documentary, Skate Dreams. Watched it on Kanopy. 🛹🍿

: Sourdough pancakes for breakfast today. Probably for lunch as well. 😝 🥞

: New growth.

: So many ends to weave in.

: Cat was not having any excuse. Didn’t care that my lap was already occupied with my knitting.

: My iPhone put mousetraps under Pet Care in my Buy List. Hmmm…

: Very grey and very still today. But not quiet. Solitary goose out there was honking incessantly. 😏

: Breakfast consumed. Wordle and Connections successfully completed. And so another day begins.

: Was able to donate to Project For Awesome for the first time this year. 😊 www.projectforawesome.com

: Still chilly in the mornings.

: Another morning. Another visit to the beach.

: One of the earliest signs of the changing seasons are these salmonberry blossoms. Even though I see …

: Bit windy on the north side this morning.

: The chicken wings and bottles of alcohol in the fridge are signs of some kind of sports ball event …

: “But I realize now that if you can give a fuck then you must also be able to receive. And that’s the …

: Used the Cinematic app in iPhone. Used to use it with my iPod Touch. I loved that thing. I was …

: Got out for a walk right after I fed the cats. No procrastination.

: After killing two pitcher plants, we are thrilled to have kept this one alive long enough to see new …

: Daughter, grand-dog, and I went for a walk this afternoon. It was so lovely.

: Hasn’t rained once today.

: New bullet journal. Thought I might regret ordering a bright new colour (Rising Sun) but I don’t. …

: Found chocolate hedgehogs we’d bought for Christmas. 😋 Also, look at that! Sunshine!

: Listening to Another Girl by Peter Grainger. 📚

: Discovered that stripping the bed as soon as I get up, going down to feed the cats, then hurrying …

: The hippeastrum I had kept alive and reproducing for over 30 years got “red blotch”. I dug out the …

: The snow was pretty for a day.

: Trying to set up my minimalist weekly spread in my journal. Someone had other ideas.